Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Pilotage Rate Setting Process Meeting Documents (All)
April 8, 2021:
Agenda Item 3:
Agenda Item 4:
4.1 2017-08 APA_Pilot_Commission_Summary_and_Recommendations_August_2017
4.2 Report on US Pilot Rate Setting 03-07-2020
4.4 Rate Setting History Staff Report 2021-04-07
4.5 1991 ALJ Decision
4.6 1992 ALJ Decision
4.7 1993 ALJ Decision
4.8 1994 ALJ Decision and Stipulation
4.9 1995 ALJ Decision
4.10 1996 Guidelines for Rate Hearing DRAFT
4.11 1999 Rate Hearing Transcript
4.12 2002 Rate Hearing Notes
4.13 2002 Recommendations
4.14 2006-2007 Rules and Regulations Minutes
4.15 Pilotage Rates 1984-1990
4.16 HNC Sections 1200-1203 Updated 2017-01-04
May 18, 2021:
Agenda Item 4:
4.1 2017-08 APA_Pilot_Commission_Summary_and_Recommendations_August_2017
4.2 Report on US Pilot Rate Setting 03-07-2020
4.3 SFBP Comments to BOPC Rate Committee 5 17 21
2002 SB 1353 (2002)
2009 SB 300 (2009)
2010 AB 1888 (2010)
2012 AB 2287 (2012)
2016 AB 1312 (2016)
2016 AB 1432 (2016)
2017 AB 251 (2017)
2018 AB 3049 (2018)
2018 AB 3181 (2018)
2019 AB 1372 (2019)
2021 AB 807 (2021)
2021-05-17 PMSA Bkgd ltr (051721)(w attach)(REVISED 052121)
June 8, 2021:
July 13, 2021:
Agenda Item 4:
4-1 Oregon Title 58 776
4-2 6519-S.PL
4-3 Order 18-01 OREGON
4-4 Order_10-01 COLRIP
4-5 CoosBayOrder2009
4-6 Order 14-01 COLBAR
Oregon Secretary of State – Public Utility Commission: Oregon Board of Maritime Pilots – Chapter 856
Washington UTC Pilotage Page –
Refer to SSB 6519 (2018)
Regulations for Rate setting (Washington Administrative Code):
General, Applicable to Pilotage – WAC 480-07-525 (,
Chapter 480-07 (
Pilotage Specific – Chapter 480-160 WAC (
Final Tariffs in Rate Cases:
Puget Sound – Case #190976
Gray’s Harbor – Case #190965
Links to JTC Report that led to the legislature removing rate setting authority from the Board of Pilotage Commissioners and moving it to the UTC:
Final report –
Study materials and background page –
Non-BOPC and non-PUC model of ratesetting hearing from Hawaii
Statutes are very simple:
Hawaii Rev. Stats. Chap 462, §462A-11:
Hawaii Rev. Stats. Chap 91,
As applied:
Process is an Hearings Officer (“ALJ”) process through the Hawaii OAH with an ALJ produced “Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Recommended Order” and DCCA Director issues a final Order based on these proceedings. See 2015 Order document example below which walks through the entire process of the OAH fact finding for detail in an uncontested case, see 2010 Order document example below for contested case.
See Order examples at:
2015 – ORDER in Uncontested Surcharge matter:
2012 – ORDER in Uncontested Petition (no Hearing and Briefing):
2010- ORDER in Contested Petition after Hearing and Briefing:
Source: « Type : PORT PILOTS »
August 4, 2021:
Agenda Item 4:
4 UTC Pilotage Legislative Report Final
2021-05-18 Ad Hoc Committee Rate Setting Process Minutes (Draft)
2021-06-08 Ad Hoc Committee Rate Setting Process Minutes (Draft)
August 31, 2021:
Agenda Item 4:
4 UTC Pilotage Legislative Report Final
September 14, 2021:
October 7, 2021:
October 26, 2021:
November 10, 2021:
Agenda Item 4:
4-1 Rate Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Pilotage Rate Setting Process (10/26/2021)
4-2 Rate Com-CalSTA Secretary review 10.30.2021
4-3 BP 12 Final Order
Agenda Item 5:
5-1 Oregon Ratemaking Substantive Elements
5-2 TP-190976 – Order 09 Final Order – Puget Sound Pilots
December 21, 2021:
Agenda Item 5:
formula bkgd one-pager w ATTACHMENTS (BOPC ad hoc cmte)(120621)
January 13, 2022:
Agenda Item 4:
1st Draft of Amendments to Rate Adjustment Code Sections 1.13.2022 (Redline)
CA Gov Code 11517
Agenda Item 5:
PMSA SFBP Joint Ad Hoc Submission 1 13 2022 FINAL
February 10, 2022:
Agenda Item 4:
Agenda Item 5:
February 17, 2022 & February 23, 2022:
Agenda Item 4:
3rd Draft of Amendments to Rate Adjustment Code Sections 2.15.2022 (Redline)
3rd Draft of amendments to rate adjustment code sections 2.15.2022 (Clean)
SFBOPC from Karen Tynan 02102022
4th Draft of Amendments to Rate Adjustment Code Sections 2.19.2022 (Redline) (Updated on 2/22/2022)
4th Draft of Amendments to Rate Adjustment Code Sections 2.19.2022 (Clean) (Updated on 2/22/2022)
ltr re AdHoc Cmte Report – PMSA (022222)
Agenda Item 5:
ADHOC Rates Final Report DRAFT 16FEB v2
Contact Information
Board of Pilot Commissioners For the Bays of San Francisco, San Pablo, and Suisun
660 Davis Street
San Francisco, CA 94111
TEL (415) 397-2253
FAX (415) 397-9463