Maritime Resources
For more information, please visit the links below.
Piloting Information
- The official site of the San Francisco Bar Pilots
- A description of the work of a Bar Pilot
- San Francisco Bar Pilots Master Pilot Exchange Card (pdf)
- Marine Exchange of the San Francisco Bay Area: A San Francisco maritime institution, and the nation’s oldest maritime service organization. Includes info on the Harbor Safety Committee
Manalytics Study (fatigue mitigation and prevention) (pdf)
- San Francisco Bay PORTS: A system of sensors giving pilots the actual current and depth of water in real time.
- San Francisco Wind Map: A system of sensors giving pilots the actual current and depth of water in real time.
- U.S. Coast Guard Sector San Francisco Vessel Traffic Service: The VTS maintains a 24 hr. a day radar watch over San Francisco Bay.
Acronym Index
AB | Assembly Bill |
AFMR | Absent For Medical Reasons |
AGPA | Associate Governmental Program Analyst |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
APL/Marine Exchange | American President Lines, Limited Liability Company (LLC) |
AWO | American Waterways Operators |
B&P | San Francisco Bar Pilots Benevolent and Protective Association |
BAS | Build-and-Save |
BCP | Budget Change Proposal |
BOPC/Board | Board of Pilot Commissioners |
CA | California |
Cal Poly | California Polytechnic State University |
CalHR | California Department of Human Resources |
CalSTA | California State Transportation Agency |
Caltrans | California Department of Transportation |
CARB | California Air Resources Board |
CCR | California Code of Regulations |
CDT | California Department of Technology |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer |
CHC | Commercial Harbor Craft |
CHP | California Highway Patrol |
CMA | California State University Maritime Academy / California Maritime Academy / Cal Maritime |
COLA | Cost of Living Adjustment |
Conn | A term of art meaning the conduct of a vessel |
COTP | Captain of the Port |
COVID-19 | Coronavirus Infectious Disease |
Dainis | Dainis & Company, Inc. |
DGS | Department of General Services |
DOF | Department of Finance |
DOJ | Department of Justice |
DOT | Department of Transportation |
E3 | CARB extension application |
EDG | Emergency Diesel Generator |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
Exam Committee | Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Pilot Trainee Training Program Selection Exam |
FM | Financial Monthly (report) |
FRMS | Fatigue Risk Management System |
FY | Fiscal Year (a Fiscal Year is July-June, instead of a calendar year of January-December) |
GAC | Gulf Agency Company, North America |
GRT | Gross Registered Tons |
HNC | Harbors and Navigation Code |
Hon. | Honorable |
IAA | Inter-Agency Agreement |
IFB | Invitation for Bids |
ILA | International Longshoremen’s Association |
IMPA | International Maritime Pilot Association |
IRC | Incident Review Committee |
IT | Information Technology |
ITMP | Information Technology Modernization Project |
LA | Los Angeles |
LOP | Loss of Propulsion |
Ltd | Limited |
MRZ-3 | Shell Martinez Oil Terminal platform |
M/T | Motor Tanker / Motor Tug |
M/V | Motor Vessel |
MITAGS | Maritime Institute of Technology and Graduate Studies |
MRP | Minimum Rest Period |
Navtech | Navigation Technology |
NTSB | National Transportation Safety Board |
OAL | Office of Administrative Law |
OCC | Orange Coast College |
OCCC | Oklahoma City Community College |
OKR | Objective and Key Results |
OOH | Oakland Outer Harbor |
PaCE | Professional and Continuing Education department (program under CMA) |
PAL | Project Approval Lifecycle |
PBF | Petroplus, Blackstone, and First Reserve |
Portable Document Format | |
PEC | Pilot Evaluation Committee |
PMI | Pacific Maritime Institute |
PMSA | Pacific Merchant Shipping Association |
PPU | Portable Pilot Units |
PSC | Port State Control |
Pt. | Point |
P/V | Passenger Vessel / Pilot Vessel |
PVC | Polyvinyl Chloride |
Q&A | Question and Answer |
QR | Quick Response (code) |
RA | Retired Annuitant |
RFP | Request for Proposals |
RMC | Rex M Clack Law (Lawfirm) |
RPM | Revolution Per Minute |
SB | Senate Bill |
SCO | State Controller’s Office |
SFBP | San Francisco Bar Pilots |
SLO | San Luis Obispo |
SME | Subject Matter Experts |
SOW | Scope of Work |
TBD | To Be Determined |
TEU | Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit (unit of measurement referring to shipping containers with the internal dimensions of 20 feet long, 8 feet wide, and 8 feet tall) |
Transas | Transas Navigation Simulator |
T/V | Tanker Vessel |
U.S. | United States |
UCSF | University of California San Francisco |
USCG | United States Coast Guard |
USMMA | United States Merchant Marine Academy |
WETA | Water Emergency Transportation Authority |
WNW | West-Northwest |