Board Meeting Documents for July 23, 2020:
Agenda Item 6A:
Agenda Item 6C:
Agenda Item 7:
2 06_Jun’20_Rolling 24Mos_FINAL
Agenda Item 8:
Agenda Item 10:
Agenda Item 11:
11 USCG HSC Report JUN2020
Agenda Item 12B:
Agenda Item 13B:
7-16-2020 Retirement Survey Staff Report
Agenda Item 14B:
Agenda Item 17:
2 IRC objections to subpoena 2020-07-16 Princess Cruise Lines Objections to Investigative Subpoena
Agenda Item 17: Videos associated with the IRC Report on the STAR PRINCESS
Agenda Item 18:
Agenda Item 19:
Contact Information
Board of Pilot Commissioners For the Bays of San Francisco, San Pablo, and Suisun
660 Davis Street
San Francisco, CA 94111
TEL (415) 397-2253
FAX (415) 397-9463