Pilot Fitness Committee

Mission Statement:

The Pilot Fitness Committee (PFC) is a standing committee of the Board of Pilot Commissioners.  Its mission is to develop and provide timely recommendations to the Board on all matters dealing with Pilot Fitness.  Include among these are:

a. Qualifications of Board examining physicians to conduct physical examinations of pilots, inland pilots, pilot trainees and applicants to the Board’s pilot trainee training program.

b. Guidelines for the Board, Board examining physicians and examinees to implement the provisions of of SB 1217 (Yee) which became effective January 1, 2009.

Next Meeting of the Pilot Fitness Committee:

The next meeting of the Pilot Fitness Committee will be held on:

June 18, 9:30 a.m.

Documents for the next meeting:

Minutes for past meetings:




  • No Committee meetings were held in 2021.





Contact Information

Board of Pilot Commissioners For the Bays of San Francisco, San Pablo, and Suisun
660 Davis Street
San Francisco, CA 94111
e-mail: bopc@bopc.ca.gov
TEL (415) 397-2253
FAX (415) 397-9463